This video features the Mud Tunnel Circuit,
Expressway and Bone Room tunnel at Ginnie Springs
also known as the Devil's System, which is located
outside of High Springs, FL. The video
is 55 minutes total. The divers entered the cave
through Devil's Ear and up the main line. They jumped
to the Expressway and then jumped left onto Mud Tunnel.
Upon exiting in the Big Room, they turned right and followed
the Bone Room passage back to the Mud Tunnel jump, closest to
the Junction. Once in the Mud Tunnels again, they continued
to Expressway and jumped left onto Expressway and just
before coming to the main line, they jumped right onto
the Mud Flats tunnel which leads to the Big Room.
Upon entering the Big Room, they went left toward
the Maple Leaf on the main line and then exited the main line to
Devil's Ear.
Mud Tunnel Circuit Map
The photos below are digital still shots taken during
the Mud Tunnel Circuit. Kelly Jessop led a perfect dive of Mud Tunnel Circuit,
as always. Jim Womble, safety diver also led the exiting dive with Kelly.
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