This video features Bonnet Spring at Peacock Springs, in Luraville, FL. The video is 1 hr 31 minutes total. Bonnet Spring is considered an advanced cave dive and requires permission from the Park Ranger at Peacock Springs State Park. The cave passage is small with restrictions and silt.
The photos below are digital still shots of Bonnet Spring on the surface and photos taken from the video on the main line. The video begins entering the cave and continuing up the main line to the 4 way T. We take the right leg of the T and do the downstream circuit. The left leg of the 4 way T joins the upstream main line. Upon returning to the 4 way T, we proceed upstream on the main line. On the exit, we included the 4th leg of the 4 way T so that we arrived back at the 4 way T and had covered all 3 passages. Special thanks to our excellent divers, Kelly Jessop and Jim Womble who navigated the tight and silty passages flawlessly.

60 second video clip 8MB

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